On Mission


Thank you for another day. I choose today to enter the mission. Fill me with your Spirit to empower me to live as one sent.

Empower me to think, see, feel and hear like Jesus.
Empower me to act on behalf of your Kingdom today. May my thoughts, words and actions bring glory to You, and may I be used by You to extend the righteousness of Your Kingdom into the world in which I live today.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit even now. Mold me and form me as wet clay into a beautiful shape which serves as a testimony to those around me of Your reality and goodness.

Enable me to represent You.
Give me courage to near my cross this day. Awaken my senses all day long of the urgency of the mission to which You have called Your people.

Father, I ask for compassion that creates action. To not only be burdened with the tremendous sorrow, pain and desperate plight of those in my sphere of influence, but to actually enter their pain To offer the hope of the Gospel to those who are perishing.

Lord, keep me from the sins that would harden my heart and darken my mind. Keep me from the devastating consequences of lust, greed and pride. Rather, create in me a pure heart and mind, and renew a right spirit within me.

This day is yours.
You have made it.
Help me to live into it as one on mission.
To know You, and make You known.
For Your Glory!

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